Zhumazhan Amandykovich Zhulkash was born on June 18, 1982.

In 2003-2007, he studied at the Kurmangazy Music College in Uralsk.

In 2007-2011, he studied at the Kazakh National University of Arts in Astana.



In 2010-2016, he worked as the musical artistic director of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Astana.

In 2016-2017, he taught Pop vocals at the Lyceum School No. 76 in Astana.

In 2017, he worked as the head of the stage service department of the State State Concert Organization “Kazakhconcert”.

In 2018, Head of the Department of International Relations and Tours of the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov, Almaty.

In 2019, the head of the creative department of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, Almaty.

In 2020, he worked as the head of the Department of International Relations and tours of the State Academic Kazakh Musical and Drama Theater named after K. Kuanyshbayev in Nur-Sultan.

To date, he is the head of the artistic and technical service of the theater of the young spectator of the akimat of the city of Nur-Sultan.

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Email: info@muztheatre.kz