Zhansulu Nuralimovna Tolegen – an actress.


Born on October 1, 1999.


In 2018, she graduated from the T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Industrial College with a degree in “Artist of Musical and Dramatic Theater”.

In 2018, she became a student of the T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, majoring in “Artist of Musical and Dramatic Theater”.



Movie roles:

The series “Kyz Kiyaly” − Aruzhan.

The series “Symptoms” – a Ghoul.

Sitcom “Kelinder” – Ayagoz.

The series “Zhenpi” – Aigul.

The series “Samalmen syrlasu” − Anel.

The series “Zhurek zhyry ” −  Sarah.

“Volunteers” – the main character.

“Kara tanba” − daughter-in-law.


Roles in the theater:

“Abay -Togzhan” – Togzhan.

“Cinderella” – Cinderella.

Телефон: 8 701 149 09 01
Email: info@muztheatre.kz