Asylkhan Sailauovich Tulepov is an actor.

Laureate of the State Youth Award “Daryn”.

Born on May 21, 1992.

In 2011, he graduated from the T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National College of Arts with a degree in Musical Theater Artist.

In 2015, he graduated from the T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts with a degree in Musical Drama Artist.


In 2012, the Order of “Namys” named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.

In 2012, the winner of the national film award “Kulager” in the nomination “New name — Hope”.

In 2012, the winner of the National Award of the Year “Altyn Adam” in the nomination “Best Young Actor of the Year”.

In 2013, he was awarded the prize of the Union of Youth of Kazakhstan “Serper”, for the role of Sartai in the film “Zhauzhurek myn Bala”.

In 2013, the holder of the state scholarship of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of culture and art.

In 2016, the winner of the State Youth Award “Daryn” in the nomination “Theater and cinema”.

In 2019, the winner of the “Super Tandoo-2018” award (Kyrgyzstan) in the nomination “Best Actor of 2018” for the role of Maksat in the film “Kok-Bori”.

Movie roles:

2011 “The sky of my childhood” −  Gali.

2012 “Zhauzhurek myn bala−  Sartai.

2013 “Sunkar” TV series − Zhasulan Poshanov.

2014 “Bauyrzhan Momyshuly−  Maulen.

2015 “Racketeer” − Abylai.

2015 “Maydangerler” − Bolat.

2015 “Kadyrbek’s Dream” − Kadyrbek.

2017 “Shynyrau−  Zhomart.

2018 “Financier.The game of departure” − Ruslan.

2018 “The Time of the steadfast” − Maksat

Roles in the theater:

“Abai Togzhan −  Ospan.

“Dunie Gapyl–  Zhasyn.

“Boys−  Nikolai Krasotkin.

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