Askhat Maksimovich Mayemirov was born on March 12, 1974 in the Syrymsky district of the West Kazakhstan region.

From 1991 to 1995, he graduated from the Philological Faculty of the West Kazakhstan State University (formerly the Ural Pedagogical Institute named after A. S. Pushkin).

From 1995 to 1996, he graduated from the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov with a degree in “Director of Dramatic Art” in the class of People’s Artist of Kazakhstan, Professor Maman Bayserkenov.

In 2008, he received a master’s degree from the Sorbonne and an internship at the Paris National Dramatic Conservatory in France.

In 2010, he received the title of “Master of Directing” at the famous Moscow GITIS University – the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

In 2015, he graduated from the doctoral program of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, defended his doctoral dissertation on ” Theater directing in Kazakhstan: continuity and innovation (1991-2015)” and received the degree of “Doctor of Philosophy”.

PhD doctor, graduate of the presidential international program “Bolashak”.


Career. Labor activity

He began his career as a director of the West Kazakhstan Regional Kazakh Drama Theater.

Head of the Acting Department of the Ural Music School named after Kurmangazy, Dean of the Faculty of Theater Arts of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, T. Was an associate professor of the Department of Acting and Directing of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov.

He is one of the best modern art managers of Russian culture. Well-known organizations in the field of culture and art of the country are JSC “Spiritual Fund of Kazakhstan”, JSC “Kazakh Auenderi”.

In 2017, he headed one of the largest musical groups in Kazakhstan – the State Concert Organization “Kazakhconcert”. He was the artistic director of the capital’s Musical Theater “Astana”.

He is also the artistic director of the capital’s Musical Theater “Astana” and the founder of the first-ever World Theater Festival “Astana”, the Republican Forum-Festival of young directors named after K. Sugurbekov and the National Theater Award-festival “Sakhnager”.

He has the status of the head of the International Institute of Theater at UNESCO in Kazakhstan – vice-president of the Association of Theaters of Kazakhstan, which unites theater groups of our country.

Prior to his appointment as the rector of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov, on February 12, 2018, by order of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, he was appointed director of the Mukhtar Auezov Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater.

Today he is the vice-president of the Association of Theaters of Kazakhstan, as well as the director and artistic director of the Musical Theater of the Young Spectator under the Akimat of Nur-Sultan.

Performances staged by A. Mayemirov:

Askhat Mayemirov with the “Black Border” at the Kazakh State Academic Theater for Children and Youth named after G. Musrepov (G. Khugaev).

At the M. Auezov Theater “I don’t want to say goodbye” (A. Volodin), “I’m telling you, my son …” (B. Bedelkhan), A. Chekhov “Uncle Vanya.

The opera “Aisulu” by S. Mukhamedzhanov at the Abai State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.

He participated in the production of the opera “Kyz Zhibek” at the Astana Opera Theater.

  1. Tulebayev’s opera ” Birzhan-Sara “will be staged at the State Opera and Ballet Theater”Astana Opera”.

He is also known as the director of the Kazakh musicals ” Romeo and Juliet “(J. Presgurvik),” Kyz Zhibek “(E. Brusilovsky),” Astana ” (B. Gafu, A. Orenburg).



In 2015, by Presidential Decree, he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Kazakhstan”.

Jubilee medal “20 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2015

In 2016, by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the history of art.

In 2016, the medal “25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Jubilee medal “20 years of Astana” 2018

Thanks to his performances in Japan, France, Austria, Germany, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Israel, Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and other countries. He presented Kazakh theatrical art to foreign audiences at international festivals and forums in the countries.

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